Archive | July 11, 2011

Cinder and Ella by Melissa Lemon

Cinder and Ella

 208 pages
Expected publication:
November 8th 2011 
Published by
 Bonneville Books
primary language

After their father’s disappearance, Cinder leaves home for a servant job at the castle. But it isn’t long before her sister Ella is brought to the castle herself—the most dangerous place in all the kingdom for both her and Cinder. Cinder and Ella is a Cinderella story like no other and one you’ll never forget.
I received this book from Net Galley and I was very excited because I have loved the story of Cinderella since I was a small child. I do have to agree with the synopsis that this is a Cinderella story unlike no other. In fact it really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the Disney version at all.
I like this story but I am a big fan of Gail Carson Levine and this story to me was reminiscent of her work. I think those that enjoy her work and others like her will enjoy this story. This book covers the concept of good and evil and it depicts trees as begin linked to us.  I feel that the tree is a symbol for our spirit and the strength or the lack of, which is how our tree appears to the world. I thought this book left a lot of loose ends to tie up but maybe that was the author’s intention for leaving the foundation for a sequel. If so I do look forward to reading the next book.